As a nearly 50 year old, I had the pleasure of growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. I view our generation as the last of the Earth people. That generation that played outside, dug in the dirt and knew that the only time that mattered was the time when the street lamps came on. It was still a slower time. 

The contrast now is outrageous. In 50 years, honestly what has changed for the better? 

Well, actually A LOT and it’s all thanks to the Last Generation of the Earth People. Generally, our childhoods sucked. Parents were drunk, fighting - because divorce was still taboo, we got hit, bullied at school, and no one gave a shit. Fast forward to our own parenting roll, not only do you have to rewrite your entire parenting script, but if you dare fall into the habits that you were taught by your parents, you could get thrown in jail or worse, get your kids taken away. Now, I am not at all advocating for drunken parenting or child abuse but lets just take a moment an recognized the power of the Earth People! We are talking about HEALING GENERATIONAL TRAUMA IN REAL TIME. No generation before us did this in the soul searching way that we do. We are the ones who gave up the glamor, because who cares about outward appearance when you're dealing with this shit. We’re the ones who are giving up marriage because, well based on our parents - no thanks. We’re the ones rewriting ALL THE SCRIPTS. 

This may sound like I'm bitching, but honestly I would not change it for anything. I believe that all of the, shall we say contrast, has allowed me to reach for, stretch into, or push the boundaries of what my soul is really looking for, and I can tell you, it’s not what society has laid out. Without this pushing of boundaries I don’t know if I would be brave enough to embark on this spiritual path.

Everything gives me anxiety. Ok but the question is what am I going to do about it. Do I like it? No. So I change it.

I, because I’m a badass, I rewrite that script. This is my Spiritual Awakening. We, as the Last Generation of Earth People, are all fucking badasses! We are all change makers, we are all wayshowers,  and whether you know it or not, you are all on the path to Awakening - but I’ll give you a hint, it’s more fun if you’re awakening with your eyes open. We have the opportunity, because of who we are, to rewrite all of our scripts. But what does that mean and how do we do it?

Yesterday, as I approached the stairs to take my evening walk, I looked down and there was my 10 year old, on his bike, by himself. Apparently, he had rode from his dad's house - which is about a mile away to mine on the roads of Oakland, by himself. Now, everything gives me anxiety, so I process. The parent I’d like to be is the one who is proud and excited for my kids new sense of freedom. The one who has confidence in who he is, and in our society to be aware and watch out for kids on the roads. But how when I have so much angst in my heart?

I know that the angst is coming from love. I know that I love him so deeply that I couldn’t bear…. But WOW love is crippling! Of course, I know, because I’ve been around the sun just a few times, that it isn't love that is crippling, it isn't his dad that has his head up his ass, it’s me. These are the times when you don’t feel like such a badass, more like a scared little girl. But that little girl knows down deep that she is a warrior, so come on little warrior! Pull up those big girl panties and let’s do this!  ENTER SELF HYPNOSIS AND THE SPIRITUAL PRACTICE OF REWRITING THAT SCRIPT!!

Where is the fear? Find it, what does it look like? Does it feel like yours or someone else’s? You know this, pull it out! You don’t need to hold on to the fear anymore. I release that fear knowing that it is not the truth, it is a story programmed from my past, a limiting belief, a subconscious wall of protection that is no longer serving! 


I seek freedom from the lies of the old stories and programs! I invite them ALL to come up for review, from subconscious to conscious. To be seen in a new light, to rewrite all the old scripts, to be the creator of my reality and the master of my mind.

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are my spiritual path, the tools I use to rewrite the limiting beliefs that no longer serve. When they come up, and they do, take the opportunity to do your SELF HYPNOSIS! Rewrite your script and program it! We are here to make change, we are here to show the way and it starts with you!

Find your freedom and join the movement! 

For questions, Book a consultation


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