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Wake Up Call

As you may have heard there are many people “waking up” these days and yes, I am among them. Whether your wake up call comes from an illness, bad accident, or just a underline knowing that something just isn’t right, people are waking up in droves.

But what does that even mean?

Well, believe it or not, we all spend a good portion of our day in a hypnotic trance and don’t even realize it; for example, zoning out in front of the television or now on any number of other trance inducing devices. It’s through the media and advertisements on those devices that we are told what to believe, what we should eat, and most importantly what we should be fearful of.

To me, “waking up” refers to becoming aware of this hypnotic trance and making the conscious decision to live in that space OR to release the resultant negative programming and choose to become the conscious creator of your life!

I developed the Regressive Release method to do just that! From experience, I know that we are more powerful, more universal, more quantum than we are led to believe. I know what we hold the power to heal our past and our future, and further, I know that we are the creators of our realities - the challenge is to start doing it consciously.

Imagine a world where we honor everyone as the powerful creator beings that we really are! My Journey

My Journey

My interest in Hypnosis was triggered when I asked the question, what happens after we die. Like so many before me, that question led me to the teachings of Dolores Cannon and then to Alba Weinman and to Antonio Sangio. It was after watching one of Alba’s videos that I had an experience that would trigger my spiritual awakening and take me down this path of self mastery. After 20+ years in the fast paced Architecture and Design field, I had been having sharp pains in my heart center when ever my anxiety or stress level shot up. After watching the hypnosis session online, I decided to call on Archangel Michael, almost as a dare. At the time, I didn’t realize it but I was in a state of self-hypnosis and was feeling the effects of the energy in each pain spot in my heart being removed. One by one, I would be shown an image in my mind at the time when the energy was left, then physically felt the pain leave and be replaced with love, which is what I had asked for. Since that day in 2019, the pains have not returned. From that moment, I knew that we had been duped, I knew that we are more powerful, more connected, more quantum than we have been led to believe.

This awakening has led me to my own deep healing and personal work with shamans, medical intuitive, and other hypnotherapists that eventually triggered an understanding of my own intuitive gifts and led me to further my study of hypnosis at our nations leading Hypnotherapy Academy where I studied with multiple world-renowned professionals.

Through my healing journey and my own process, I’ve developed the Regressive Release Method, to assist you, the clients in shedding all the negative attachments, release excess energy of your past and allow your natural healing process to take over. I believe that you are your own healer and I am here to show you or empower you to TAKE BACK YOUR LIGHT