Does Water Have Consciousness?

When we think of water, we may think of the refreshing substance that quenches our thirst or a nice body of water that we dive into on a hot day.  But, have you ever really thought about water having memory or consciousness? 

Wait, what is consciousness again? 

According to Google, consciousness refers to the awake and aware of one's surroundings.

You may have heard about Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work, he studied and photographed ice crystals under a microscope after subjecting the water to various messages using words, music, prayer and other forms of media. In his book, Hidden Messages in Water, he wrote this:

“Further experimentation shows that water exposed to positive expressions like “Let’s do it!” created attractive, well-formed crystals, but that water exposed to negative expressions like “Do it!” barely formed any crystals at all.”

Below are images of his findings :

Ok, but I need Hard Science
It seems this topic is quite cutting edge, in the scientific community, specifically the work of Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmut Kröplin, Water Researcher from Germany. According to his website, Prof. Kroplin’s challenge was to help astronauts in space “cure minor health defects” when and if they needed to. 

“His vision is that many of the functions of our body are governed by the energy in the cells. The control of such an energy would mean, in the limit, the capacity to heal damaged cells. This will invariably lead to the cure of many diseases. The research in bio-resonance lead Prof. Kröplin to the study of water, as the basic element in the body and, hence, the one responsible for transporting much of the information through the different parts of the body at nano, micro and macro levels.

I understand how water is a transporter, but what does that have to do with consciousness? Are you telling me that water understands what it is transporting? Less like rinsing the soap off the dish and more like moving information or vibration from one cell to another? Again from Prof. Kroplin’s website:

“Water and information soon become for Prof. Kröplin and his team a single concept. Understanding the way water collects and transports information was seen as the essential step to find out the complex behaviour of our organs and their reaction to external agents.”

Interesting, but what does this have to do with hypnosis or hypnotherapy?

Good question, I’d love to tell you…

Humans are basically water, 60-70% depending on who you ask. If we start to understand the effects of frequencies on our bodies, specifically things like thoughts, music and other forms of media, then we may have more incentive to manage what we allow into our subconscious minds. Considering the average person has six thousand thoughts per day, if even half of those are negative then we might consider what we are, according to science, actually doing to the water quality in our bodies. 

The good news of course is when we start becoming the masters of our minds and becoming aware of what we allow into our subconscious minds, our cells full of water will look like this:

And not this

Dr Emoto’s Water Prayer:

Water I love you

Water I respect you

Water I am grateful to you

To learn more about Dr. Emoto’s work and to view more images:

To learn more about the experiments of  Prof. Dr. Bernd Helmut Kröplin, please visit:

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