Client Testimonial

Carrie is a gifted hypnotherapist who helped me reconnect to my purpose and goals. Her time with me felt fully supportive. I also really appreciated that she created recordings for me that I can still listen to, including one I can access on my private UTube account anytime I want.
I recommend her for anyone wanting to clear blockages, limiting beliefs, and become your best self. She is patient, kind, and grounded in deep spiritually.
It was well worth the investment. As a side note, after working with her, my solopreneur business has picked up significantly, as I feel more confidence and clarity and radiate that out into the world. Thank you, Carrie!

Client Testimonial

Carrie is a competent practitioner who expertly garners trust with her clients. The sessions were truly enlightening. 

What sets Carrie apart is her true dedication to her clients' well-being. She genuinely cares about each individual's progress and goes above and beyond to ensure personalized support and follow-up. Her professionalism, integrity and warm demeanor creates a safe space for transformation and personal growth. 

I can not thank Carrie enough for the impact she's had on my life. Strongly Recommend!

Client Testimonial

Carrie is clearly passionate about her work, wanting to share with others the freedom she herself has attained through the ongoing practice of hypnosis and self-hypnosis. She will not be satisfied with partial solutions but helps the client probe—through a pleasant method of client-created imagery—to the root of the problem that’s causing suffering. With her gentle guidance I was able to reopen an old wound and get on the path to ridding myself of a persistent, negative behavior that was holding me back. Her three-session method is reasonably priced and easy to schedule. I highly recommend her to anyone who is struggling to free themselves from constricting beliefs. Take the risk! It’s totally worth it.

Client Testimonial

Through hypnotherapy with Carrie I was able to release negative energy and replace it with more positive associations that I can continue to draw on each day. Through this work she helped me develop a practice that I can use each day to stay present and positive even through the most challenging moments. The hypnotherapy sessions with Carrie were profound and she was an amazing guide. She is warm, grounded and makes me feel at ease answering all of my questions thoroughly before the sessions. If you are looking for a way to get unstuck from old thought patterns and live with more ease, peace and joy, don't hesitate to contact Carrie.

Client Testimonial

Carrie has to be one of the most kind & caring people I have ever met. She brings that with her Knowledge and experience to ever so gently guide you the an amazing process of discovering ourselves and exploring ways to work on understanding why we do what we do. For me its the challenge of weight loss.
After just the first session I came away with a new personal tool to use to improve my willpower and a better understanding of myself.

Our second session dove deeper, in a beautiful natural way, to discovering what I was really seeking with my eating behavior. With a few more powerful tools to use to keep me on track.

I have another session to go for this particular work we are doing which I am so looking forward to and I know I will be back to explore and unlock other hidden powers I have just waiting to be released.
For me I have experienced near instant results from the first session, and empowerment from the second session. I did not understand hypnosis before I started with Carrie but I am learning that this is such a great and powerful tool most of us , with guidance from Carrie, could greatly benefit from.

Client Testimonial

*This testimonial was from my free meditation class, Connecting to the Energy in Your Body

Carrie hypnosis session helped me reconnect with the energy in the body. Carrie is a very humble and noble personality. The meditation practices starts working for me the very first day and it had a huge impact on my everyday life. With these meditation I was able to get rid of unhelpful thoughts and emotions and it in turn improved my productivity at work. Thank you Carrie for your help.

Client Testimonial

Highly recommend. Carrie explains everything she does before going into it. She is patient, encouraging, and open. I've been dealing with a lot of inner turmoil since childhood and she helped me find the tools within me to deal with my issues. I think I'll finally be able to achieve and sustain the peace needed to live in the present moment because of these sessions...something I've been yearning for my entire life.

Client Testimonial

Wow! What an experience. I've received some amazing tools from Carrie. In the few sessions that we worked together I've done more work than years of therapy and have a clear pathway to continued self improvement. I cannot say enough about the way Carrie listened and guided me through the process. Thank you!

Client Testimonial

{Originally sent through Facebook Chat}

Hi Carrie, I wanted to reintroduce myself as I’m a client of yours from 2021. I wanted to reach out to you and let you know how much you’ve truly made an incredibly positive impact in my life since I had my session with you. The issue I had when I spoke with you was regarding my frequent and debilitating facial blushing that I’d been suffering with since I was a teenager. It doesn’t sound traumatic, but I can tell you the anxiety of my face blushing (beet red, blotchy) was absolutely traumatizing as it was something that affected me everyday, all the time. It gave me such anxiety that I held back when in class from holding my hand up and answering questions as I worried my peers would notice my face going red (my face went red just thinking of putting my hand up). It Stopped me from interviewing for jobs I wanted and prevented me from dating for many years as my face would go red easily with any attention and even gave me anxiety at running into Poe own I knew out on public for Shane if my face going red out of anxiety . It even led me into depression and suicidal thoughts as I drank alone and hid away from the world in my parents basement, as I was ashamed of my blushing face and the uncontrollable insecurities that I felt that surrounded that. I didn’t realize until very recently that there is a HUGE number of people affected by this, if o((nly I had known sooner. The amazing thing is that I actually don’t have this issue anymore and I realized this about about 3 months after we had our session . You have no idea what a blessing in my life this has been!! It’s mind blowing as I suffered with it for 25+ years. I wanted to thank you so soo very much for what you’ve done for me. You’ve changed my life and I feel so much more confident and happy because of this. I noticed a comment one day about a girl with erythrophobia and was made aware of a Fb group online called “I blush”and I read of their trauma they deal with everyday with this same issue and I can’t help but empathize with them. I want to reach out and let them know I know what how they’re feeling and there’s hope, hypnotherapy. I want to recommend hypnotherapy, but don’t know if it’s okay to suggest your name if they request it. I wanted to check with you that if I Had someone DM me requesting the name of the hypnotherapist that helped me that I have your permission to recommend you. You’re a gift to us and I have to thank you from the bottom of my heart for changing my life. Sending so much love and a huge thanks your way

Client Testimonial

My sessions with Carrie were awesome! I signed up hoping to try out something new and different and I ended up discovering a technique that was life-changing! I am definitely a hypnosis convert - I especially recommend it for those of us who have tried EMDR and like it! I wasn't expecting this but they were similar experiences for me.

Carrie was warm and patient and kind. She asked the right questions to guide me a long and I always felt safe with her - even discussing really personal things off the bat. I could tell she really, truly wanted to the best for me. She was also great in our sessions at adjusting to my strengths and desires - I appreciate that so much in a provider!

I also really appreciated how Carrie's introductory experience was tailored to help you learn how to practice hypnosis on your own. I definitely took away lots of tools I can use now for when things seem to be "stuck" and also when there's a disconnect between what I know to be true and what I believe to be true.

So much good luck to everyone on their journey!!!

Client Testimonial

Carrie's work is deep, real, and supportive. I'm a big believer in self-improvement through self-work and when a friend connected me with Carrie I knew I needed to explore sessions with her. Carrie and I had four sessions together and we delved into a number of personal issues from childhood and family relationships to career, personal health, mindset, and more. With subtle prompts her work allows you to rely on your own deep knowing to guide you in therapeutic directions -- whether it's reorganizing and repatterning old thoughts and habits or setting new patterns and goals. It's been almost two months since I started working with Carrie and I return to the work from our sessions nearly daily. If you are looking to uplevel your life -- your health, your work, your family structure, and your relationship to yourself -- I strongly recommend connecting with Carrie to explore hypnotherapy. This woman is the real deal!

Client Testimonial

I've been working with Carrie LaMastus for the past couple of months. I was reluctant to try this form of therapy as the process seemed somewhat radical.
After my first couple of sessions I realized she was exactly what I need. Hard for me to explain, in short the positive outlook I have adapted has virtually changed my perspective on life. We have set goals and objectives going forward and I feel confident Carrie will take me where I want to be. You need to try this to understand, at least that was my experience.

Client Testimonial

This was my first hypnosis session and I was pleasantly surprised! Carrie is a beautiful soul with such a loving energy. She was able to take me back to a past life to do some healing, and times in my current life that definitely needed healing! Thank you Carrie for being such a light to the world!

Client Testimonial

It's hard to overestimate the lift I've received from my hypnotherapy work with Carrie. She has helped me address deeply rooted limiting beliefs in ways that I've never experienced, even though I've discussed some of the same childhood experiences and memories with highly capable therapists over decades. The new tools she's teaching me are helping me become a new person, a more free version of myself, which will help me reach personal, relational, and vocational goals with more ease, less struggle. Amazingly, I've been able to access all this remotely, from the emotional safety and convenience of my couch.

If you're nervous about the hypnosis part, I can reassure you that my experience has been similar to the thoughts that come to me in a relaxed meditative state. I feel quite conscious the whole time. I didn't know "how to do it" and it doesn't matter, she guides me where I need it and the results are astonishing. I highly recommend scheduling an initial consultation with her so she can help you decide if what she offers is right for you too.

Client Testimonial

I just finished taking notes from the video Carrie made of our Hypnotherapy session...a truly enlightening experience for me. We laughed and cried through it! Carrie and Hypnotherapy was just what I needed in my many breakthroughs and hidden feelings were released. I had no idea how profound an experience this could be.
I really hope she continues to grow her practice and share this with as many people as possible.
I am so thankful for Carrie helping me to "Take Back My Light"!

Client Testimonial

Thank you for the absolutely amazing Regressive Release Session last Thursday.

It really was and still is about 'taking my light back' and I couldn't have done it without you!

I have been trying to strengthen my connection with my inner guidance for a while now and it felt in best times not very strong.

After our session, I am feeling it strongly now and all I need to do is to stay connected, remember who I am, and surrender while feeling uplifted and present and be the light I am.

I can't thank you and recommend your work enough Carrie LaMastus. You rock! :-)

Thank you for your gifted work.

Client Testimonial


I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for my life!! My heart is bursting!

I had my first Hypnosis Session with Carrie at Take Back Your Light and I am blown away! Not only did we connect to my ancestors and do healing work on both my mother and fathers sides but I was also able to call in my future daughter and see what a blessing she will be to my family!

Carrie is a natural and has a very powerful gift to give. Thank you so much for your gift my friend!!

Client Testimonial

A friend recommended that I try a session with Carrie. I had no idea what to expect but I saw the excitement that my friend had after doing a session with Carrie, I knew I wanted to try it. First of all, when I met her (virtually of course) I instantly felt at ease with this new journey I was about to experience. She takes time in the beginning to really explain how the hypnosis takes place and helps to dispel any misconceptions you might have. Let me just say being hypnotized is nothing like what you see on TV. It basically feels like a really lovely and deep mediation that you don't want to leave. In my session I was able to work on several different blockages that I had. I will spare you specifics but all I can say is that it was VERY effective in releasing things I had holding me down. I know I said I wouldn't do specifics but one big blockage I had was around making money. That got blown out of the water!!!! Making money in my business is so much easier now and I have Carrie to thank for that. That was no where near all I got but that's just a part of what I have gotten from working with Carrie. Another exciting and unexpected thing that I have gotten from working with Carrie is that I feel much more connected to my self and to my intuition. Basically when blockages get clearer its much easier to access your innate connection to your self.

I am a chiropractor so I understand and have seen how much of a impact having these blockages can have on your quality of life and on your physical health. I have referred MANY patients to Carrie to help with emotional things and everyone comes back and thanks for me telling them about it. Also, I have personally been able to witness that impact in their alignment.

I cant say enough great things about working with Carrie and I would highly recommend doing hypnosis session.