The Bridge We Live On, part 2. THE CATCH

The catch is you have to do the work. This is not a game for the faint of heart, you will, if you so choose, you will be looking at your shadow. We are becoming our authentic selves, we are dropping the charade, we are dropping the shoulds, we are becoming who we are meant to be. Note the word Choose. This is a choice. Personally,  I believe it’s a choice we all make sooner or later. The choice part comes when you decide to make it, rather than if you make it or not. In other words, we will all awaken but the timing is up to you.

In practical terms this means you take a deep dive into your subconscious mind with hypnosis and begin to pull the weeds, or identify and make conscious your old programming. Then we use hypnotherapy to reprogram your chosen reality. Resulting in the awakening to your new reality, self mastery, and self love.

Is it easy, no. But it’s worth the work!

It’s time to


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