Free Every Adverse Response

When I was about 26, a friend and I flew to NY from CA to visit another friend. On the flight home, while flying over the Rocky Mountains, our plane hit wind shears which caused the plane to lose altitude quite quickly and shake quite violently. Needless to say, I was terrified and definitely traumatized by that event. It was like time slowed down, I distinctly remember holding onto the arm rest on one side and my friend's hand on the other so tightly that she was losing blood to her fingers. Also trying to visualize a safe landing between the thoughts and images of the oxygen masks deploying and the plane falling dramatically to the ground. It was terrifying, I was definitely in a state of panic.

Getting Back On The Plane

This experience didn’t prevent me from flying, but the flights I took after that event were not enjoyable no matter how smooth the trip. I created rituals in my mind to trick myself into feeling safe. For example, I would have to  look the pilot in the eye… not sure what I was looking for, but it was very important to do so. I would also visualize being at my destination having an amazing time, and would recite a mantra to get me through. What I noticed was these tools were not working at all. By the end of the flights I was usually a stressed out, drunk mess upon reaching my destination. Why weren’t these relaxation techniques working?

What I’ve Learned

What I realized while studying hypnotherapy and NLP was, what I was doing while I was grasping my friends hand and the armrest for dear life, was I was anchoring my state of terror into my body. Which was recalled in a very visceral state every time I thought or talked about getting on another plane. Hence the need to create rituals and employ relaxation techniques. 

Fear = Fuc! Everything And Run

The word fear has many nomenclatures, and they all refer to some form of getting the fuc! out of the situation. That’s because fear triggers the fight or flight response in our autonomic nervous system. In other words fear tells our subconscious to activate the sympathetic nervous system which induce physiological changes including accelerating the heart rate, widening bronchial passages, decreasing motility of the large intestine, dilating the pupils, and causing perspiration. Obviously not a healthy lifestyle.

Alternatively, the parasympathetic works to slow down certain responses and bring about a state of calm to the body, allowing it to rest, relax, and repair itself. The primary function of the parasympathetic nervous system is to maintain long-term health and a healthy balance across all of the body’s functions. Parasympathetic responses include an increase of digestive enzymes, decreased heart rate, constriction of bronchial tubes in lungs, and more relaxed muscles.

Unfortunately, the parasympathetic is shut down when we are in sympathetic in order to utilize more energy in the fight  or flight response.

*for more info on Parasympathetic and sympathetic response check out

Do we have to be dropping from the sky or being chased by a bear to activate your stress response? NO! Any mother with kids in our public schools (think school shootings, rampant viruses, lurking sex trafficers) or these days anyone who watches the news can tell you life is stressful!

The Higher Perspective.

What my guides have shown me both visually and in channeling is that this fear is part of the collective consciousness. Think of a large energy generator with outlet sockets all around, when you’re participating in fear, you are plugged into that collective energy, feeding it and making it more powerful. When you unplug from the fear, you are not participating, not feeding and intern making the collective fear programming less powerful. 

But the news says….. Yes. The news does say to be very afraid. How's that working out for you? I can tell you, not so well. It’s making you miserable, fearful, and lowering your immune system. (INSERT OBVIOUS UNSPOKEN CONNECTION BETWEEN MEDIA, FEAR, AND IMMUNE SYSTEM HERE)

So What Do We Do About It? 

During my hypnotherapy class, I was chosen to be the co-therapist (client) in a practice session while learning our ARTA protocol. My issue to be reprogrammed was my flight experience to NY, twenty years prior. In a matter of 30 minutes or so, using the technique in combination with the NLP anchoring technique I was able to reprogram my autonomic nervous system to  associate good feelings of calm and being connected to my higher self with the thoughts and experience of flying and turbulence. To be clear, I haven't flown yet since this session but I have thought about and have told this story many times and no longer have the negative visceral experience that I once did. And therefore more open to future travel!


Reduce the amount of fear programming that you allow into your consciousness. (read that again)

Remember, the  language of the subconscious mind is images and emotions. If you would like proof, just look at the commercials and media in general. They have had this figured out a long time ago. Our televisions, phones and countless other devices are perfectly created to use images to invoke emotions. Of course the other important question here is; how do you access the subconscious mind? Again, all you have to do is look at what you're doing when you are watching TV. You are in a receptive, open state ready to take in information. AKA, the hypnotic state. So, to be clear, we are practicing self hypnosis every time we relax in front of the television. Except the material being programmed into your mind was created by someone else, without your approval.

The television's repetition of imagery and emotions is one way to program your subconscious, another way is through authority figures, i.e. parents, teachers and political figures. Really anyone whom we deem to have authority over us. Without getting too deep into the weeds here, I invite you to become aware of what you are allowing into your subconscious mind. By going on a news media diet and becoming the Master of Your Mind. You will be amazed how life gets better when you’re not constantly reminded how “bad” it is out there.

For further information or to schedule a session please book a free consultation at