The Bridge We Live On

Wednesday I was shown an image of the two worlds that we are spanning right now. The one we’ve known as a species for millennia, the work- hard, boot straps, dog eat dog world that we have all fought to survive through. And the future that we can all feel, describe, we know to be better than this, but isn’t exactly showing up in our reality just yet. 

I have known that this is A Choose Your Own Reality Game for a while now, I believe that was the theme of 2020 right, fake news anyone? 

The Choose Your Own Reality Game

I once looked up the definition of the word “fact”. This was the second bullet point in Google's dictionary definition:

  • information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.

Hmmm, oh well then as long as the reporters are reporting it or writing it, it must be fact. Do you see the problem….

This for me was evidence that The Choose Your Own Reality Game was ON and I was late for the party! The timing for a mind blowing discovery such as that was impeccable, as I was in the depths of studying Hypnotherapy and was understanding what I’ve known intuitively which is our reality starts from within. This is the point where all things begin to shift from the reality of the cause and effect; where the cause is something outside of us and the effect is something that we experience, with little or no control; to this new found reality of which I am the cause and I experience my effects. Through my subconscious mind, I create and through my senses I experience those creations as my reality. This is the power of taking responsibility for your own reality.  

Back to the Vision

This concept is describing in words what I saw in my vision on Wednesday night, two distinct realities with two very different experiences. One the left I saw the dark struggle we all live through and on the right, this new road filled with light and possibilities. But what I understood during the self hypnosis session was that WE are HERE in this time of TRANSITION! WE are living in this time where we can see the past (who we were) and the future (who we are becoming). WE ARE LIVING IT! WE ARE THE POWERFUL ONES WHO STEPPED UP DURING THE TRANSITION! (If you are reading this, that means YOU)

Take a moment and let that sink in.

More than Just a New Technology

I hear you saying, yeah well we have always developed, my father didn't even have running toilets in the house or a phone and now we are walking around with computers in our pockets. Yes, the technological age has changed us, for the better and for the worse, but I am not talking about change, I am talking about an awakening. I am talking about awakening to who and what you already are.

We Are All Hypnotized

“But I know who I am. I’ve even traveled Europe with no money and a backpack to find myself! Of course I know who I am!” 

Do you? Or, do you know only who you were told to be? That one with the stories of the past, who you are in relation to your family, your work, your political party, your society. We all fit nicely as long as no one starts to question the agreed upon reality. But our agreed upon reality is not working, and what is reality anyway? As I study Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis and understand the language of the subconscious mind it becomes clearer and clearer to me that we are all hypnotized. 

What is the Language of the Subconscious Mind?

The short answer is that the language of the subconscious mind is images and emotions. If you would like proof, just look at the commercials and media in general. They have had this figured out a long time ago. Our televisions, phones and countless other devices are perfectly created to use images to invoke an emotion. Of course the other important question here is; how do you access the subconscious mind? Again, all you have to do is look at what you're doing when you are watching TV and commercials. You are in a restful, receptive, open state ready to take in information. AKA, the hypnotic state. So, to be clear, we are practicing self hypnosis every time we relax in front of the television. Except the material being programmed was created by someone else.

The televisions repetition of imagery and emotions is one way to program your subconscious, another way is through authority figures, ie parents, teachers and political figures. Really anyone whom we deem to have authority over us. Without getting too deep into the weeds here, our loving parents are another powerful influence on our subconscious minds, especially as children. (Don’t worry, learning self hypnosis you can learn to reprogram your subconscious mind!)

Back to The Bridge We Live On

The essence of this TRANSITION TIME, this bridge, is: One. knowing that we are operating from a start of hypnosis at all times. That is to say, our subconscious mind has been programmed and we are experiencing the effect of said program. “Said program” is referred to as old limiting beliefs. Of course there are beliefs that you have picked up along the way that don’t limit you (yet). Here, I am referring to the limiting beliefs that you would choose to look at or work on, the ones that are creating an effect that you do not prefer, hence limiting beliefs.

So our subconscious mind has been programmed and we are living in a state of hypnosis, what do you do about it now?
This brings me to the second element of this transition time: Two, Awakening to the fact that we are fully capable and are even currently creating our realities. If we were hypnotized to believe, thus agree upon, to the dominant reality we are experiencing then we are capable of re-hypnotizing or reprogramming our minds to our chosen realities. Even before you have done this, you can feel the difference between the two because your soul understands this truth.

The bridge is consciously recognizing and living between the two realities and choosing to move toward awakening.

What is Awakening and How do I Move Towards It.

As stated above, awakening is the realization of the language of the subconscious mind, how it has been used on us for millennia, and how you now can use the same tools and language in the form of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to reprogram your own mind, creating your own reality! But of course there is a catch!

Stay tuned next week for the catch….

Carrie LaMastusComment