In Honor of The Little Angels for Change

What is the Collective Consciousness

(noun) A group’s or society’s commonly shared fundamental beliefs, customs, norms, and values

Emile Durkheim, who became the first official Sociologist in France in 1913, referred to the collective conscience as—the common ways of defining the world, as well as the common moral bond between people—that provided the initial foundation for social solidarity. It was the glue that kept society organized and functioning.


If the health of the collective conscience or consciousness is defined by the common ways we define the world, and the common moral bonds between people, then I believe our collective is sick. It doesn’t take much searching before we uncover what is dividing our collective mind, every time we turn on the news we are told what to fear, who to hate, who to believe in and so on. Without sounding like a conspiracy theorist, it seems to me that the media and political parties are trying to divide us. 


What happens in a divided society

What happens when our society’s commonly shared fundamental beliefs, customs, norms, and values begin to break down? Well, let me ask you this, what happened in many families around the country when Trump was elected? We were once a country that could meet in the middle, with centrist democrats and republicans on the top of the ticket, but those days seem to be over. Just look outside, or better yet, on the television. According to the media, and the political system, we live in a world where Dems and Republicans are more and more extreme, yelling at each other like children. The media has exacerbated the problem by running the PROGRAMMING over and over again. 


For those who have worked with me, we know that one way to bypass the Critical Factor and plant a message into the subconscious mind is repetition, another way is to be told something by someone we deem as an authority figure, ie: a news anchor or political figure.


So, when we are, quite literally, programmed to harshly disagree with each other, and are not offered a solution that works for both parties, we end up at a stalemate. A stalemate, where both sides are too fearful, arrogant or intolerant to give or back down. Again, sounds like a scenario from the playground rather than the Senate. 


So what can be done about it?

Lets think back about the definition of the Collective Consciousness, *(noun) A group’s or society’s commonly shared fundamental beliefs, customs, norms, and values. It seems to me that the problem lies in our minds, WE ARE ALLOWING OURSELVES TO BE PROGRAMMED TO HARSHLY DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. Yes, I said we are allowing ourselves, and yes I meant it. What did Albert Einstein say,

 “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

We need to change our thinking, by that I mean, we need to take responsibility for our thoughts and emotions. Start questioning authority, better yet, stop listening to their opinions! Start paying attention to what programming you are allowing into your subconscious mind. We can see the direct effect the current messaging is having in our collective reality and we need to change that! 

Self Hypnosis 

One way we change our level of mind is through self hypnosis. Self hypnosis is the act of consciously selecting what is programmed into your subconscious mind. Understanding the role that the subconscious plays in reality creation and consciously programming it to better our individual realities and in turn our collective realities. Also, becoming keenly aware of the messaging we are allowing in through outlets such as television, music, social media, etc.

The language of the subconscious mind is images and emotions

I often explain to my clients the importance of creating sanctuary. The idea is, your home should be a space where you control the programming that you receive. Just like we have become aware of what is allowed into our bodies, we need to be vigilant about what is allowed into our minds. 

Although self hypnosis is a powerful tool, it is only one tool in the shed of self mastery. The real work to change the mind of the collective consciousness starts from within each of us individually. Through the use of hypnosis, we can journey through your subconscious mind identifying initial critical events that have left you with negative self beliefs or negative programming. Once those events and programs are identified, we use  forgiveness therapy and effective healing tools to pull the energy out of the body and eliminate the trigger. We then move to Hypnotherapy to reprogram those limiting beliefs into your choice of a more positive personal message.

From a personal perspective

 I can tell you that the number of events in my life that have a hold on me are becoming fewer and fewer as I do this work. When you decide to take charge of your mind and emotions it is quite liberating. However, this article is born from a deep remaining trigger. I am a parent of a fourth grader in elementary school and although I can easily get to a place of deep crippling fear, it is the practice of trust. Trust that sending him to school will be ok, trust that he is happy there and it’s the right thing to do, trust that love will win. I’ve heard it said in the spiritual community that the souls that have chosen to leave the planet in a group setting like this are agents for change. It activates people to speak out, gather together, write blogs and create foundations like the Sandy Hook Promise. In order to honor all of the little souls we need to do our work. Our part in healing our collective consciousness, by healing ourselves, one by one. We can’t let this go on. 

We have the power!

We are the Collective!

It’s time to