Winds of Change

I was recently shown, while in a meditative state, how our emotions are linked to our weather. I can’t explain how but intuitively I know this to be true. 

Channeled by the Wind

I am connected to the Spirit of the Wind, 

Calming our emotions is like calming the wind

Soothing our anger is like fighting the fires

When we are bright and carefree, we are like a summer day

Earthquakes are like the anxiety, of keeping up with the Jones’

And a  good cry is as healing as a good rain

Rage shows up in the Oceans

It shows up in the Fires

it  shows up in the Winds, like a tornado leaving a trail of destruction

But FEAR. Fear with a capital F is different,

It’s not real.

It doesn't affect Gaia, it affects us

Fear is a mechanism of control.

The governments use it

as a weapon of war, 

The media uses it 

To feed insecurities

Purposefully programming fear

To control you

When we clear Fear from our bodies, we become free like the Wind.

As we clear all the negative emotions from our bodies, we finally begin to open our hearts to each other and to Gaia

I honor the Wind

I honor the Sun

I honor the Earth

I honor the Moon

I honor my path, my guides, my sanctuary.

I honor my calm, connected life.

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