Truth Despite the Examples in Our Realities

In the blog last week I touched on two topics briefly, one was the example of thinking about a car you want you begin to see that car everywhere, this is known as the law of attraction. The other topic was using examples in your reality to prove your point. For example, over the years, I have many MANY concrete examples in my reality where men don’t do what they say they will, or call or even show up when they say they will. So, a personal favorite limiting belief of mine is, “men never show up”. If I am being honest, it’s still a conscious belief because I still find examples - more on this in a bit. 

Back to The law of attraction.

The Law of Attraction shows us the power of our thoughts and how they show up in the world. Just as in the car example,  when we are focusing on something we want, we begin to see it in reality, literally bringing it closer. Of course the next step is to focus on how to get it if that's your true desire. Although this sounds like a bunch of woowoo fairy-dust, it's just how we naturally operate in the world. You have a thought, as you latch onto that thought more and more, it becomes a slight obsession, you begin to notice movement towards your goal, whether that is seeing your car everywhere or circumstances aligning to assist in what you are focusing on. Of course the same is true whether you are focusing on a positive or negative outcome. So be careful what you wish for. 

 Another way to use the law of attraction is to look at what shows up in the universe to give us a clue as to  what's going on in our conscious or more importantly subconscious mind. In other words, using the law of attraction in this way, the information points to our subconscious beliefs, whether they be limiting or exciting. If your reality is not what you desire then the work is to examine the subconscious and find out what your subconscious is actually desiring, or how you are attracting that circumstance in your life. 

An example of this would be a client that came to see me last week. In her reality she had experienced multiple professionals not listening to her needs. Without getting too much into the weeds here, an important point to the story is that she did express her desire and was rejected by the professionals stating that they knew best. However, as we talked, it came out that she has a belief that her needs are somehow strange and don’t deserve to be taken care of or heard. Of course she has chosen to reprogram that belief and continue with the Regressive Release Method to find where that belief started and release the energy from the body. This realization came in our first session, I look forward to her hypnosis session in the coming week.

 Let's go back to the example of “men never show up” of which I can provide plenty of real world concrete examples. The truth is, that was a subconscious expectation of men and therefore I attracted that outcome into my life. Now, after bringing that realization to my conscious mind, I have two choices. I can choose to reprogram my mind to believe something more positive, something like, Men show up for me because they choose me. Or, something like, I show up for myself because I choose myself. Personally,  I chose the latter because it puts the onus of my needs on to me, where it belongs. After taking responsibility for my reality, examining and reprogramming my subconscious beliefs, and releasing or forgiving the old wounds; something even more magic begins to happen in my reality. I am  no longer subject to the circumstances of whether men show up or not because their actions don't have the power to affect me in the same way. I choose myself, what someone else does has a limited effect on me, now I can hear you say, that sounds rather lonely. Actually this has nothing to do with being alone. I find as I choose myself, there is less expectation, less demand on someone else to fill my cup, and therefore,  I have more love to give.

The moral to this story is  we can either spend time identifying all the wrong-doings in our reality, or  we can notice those wrong-doings, take responsibility, spend time understanding and tackling our subconscious limiting beliefs, and releasing our triggers. When we do, we become less affected by others, less judgemental and more forgiving. As we are less affected by the circumstances of our reality, we become more and more open to letting the circumstances go, no matter what they are, as you understand and forgive you can release.

If you are curious and ready to listen to the messages of your subconscious mind, then please schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking here.