Learn How to Release Dopamine with Hypnosis, according to Neuroscience

Recently, a client came to see me because she was feeling frustrated at work, feeling overwhelmed and unfocused. She blamed her inability to focus on what she called her ADHD. Through our work together, as I regressed her to childhood, she told stories of being a very bright and responsible child. Top of her class, always on honor roll etc. Matter of fact, she was so bright and responsible that this became a bragging point for her parents, they repeated this montra so much that it became part of her identity. Unfortunately she doesn't feel that her abilities are anything to brag about. In her experience, because she was so “bright and responsible” her parents gave her so much responsibility that she would get overwhelmed, try, and fail without parental guidance. When she failed, she would then be reprimanded and ridiculed by her parents. What she learned from this experience was trying new things leads to failure, and failure leads to trouble. Understanding where our limiting beliefs come from is the first step in reprogramming your mind. Enter the Regressive Release Method.


After regressing the client to the particular memory she was able to not only see the pattern of her childhood, the source of her limiting belief but also how it was affecting her life today. In hypnosis she was able to identify with her inner child and give her the support and love that she needed. She was able to do the forgiveness work around the memory, releasing blame and as we moved into the body she was able  to release that energy signature that has been plaguing her for so long. Now that her body is clear and she is ready to reprogram her mind to believe something more powerful about herself, she uses the self-hypnosis technique and affirmations that we created in our first session. 

I often describe this process as pulling the weeds and planting the seeds. We pull the weeds of your limiting belief from your subconscious mind in the hypnosis session, and plant the seeds of new and powerful affirmations that we create together during our hypnotherapy session. In my practice I offer these techniques so that you can use them in your daily life, because if you’re not programming your mind, someone else is.  

Learning According to Neuroscience

After seeing that client I stumbled across this podcast from Huberman Labs entitled “Learn Faster” Using Failures, Movement & Balance to Learn Faster #7Link

In this podcast Andrew Huberman discusses how behavior changes the brain, and how making errors is a key part  to shaping your nervous system, motor learning, and conditioning or preparing your brain to learn other non-motor skills. In this podcast Huberman states, 

(29.15) “The signal that generates plasticity is the making of errors. It's the reaches and failures that signals to the nervous system that ‘this is not working’ and therefore the shifts start to take place.” 

Therefore, when we get frustrated with ourselves making errors over and over again, what we don’t realize is that the errors are a good thing, the actual process of learning. Huberman goes on to describe the neurochemicals released when mistakes take place, Norepinephrine, which increases alertness, Acetylcholine, which inspires focus and importantly, Dopamine, the molecule of motivation, released when we start to experience learning even in the slightest of ways. If we can learn to like, or use to our advantage, the feelings of making errors or frustration, rather than giving up we can get to that point of ever-so-slight improvement where Dopamine begins to take over. As we begin to feel the motivation from the Dopamine, we will have set ourselves up for plasticity to engage.

He goes on to state, 

(52.00) “ I think everyone could stand to increase their rate of learning by doing the following. Learn to attach Dopamine, in a subjective way, to this process of making errors” 

(52.56) “In other words, failing repetitively, as well as telling ourselves that those failures are good for learning and good for us creates an outsized effect on the rate of plasticity or accelerates plasticity” 

(53.13) “Some of you might be asking, and I get asked a lot, how do I get Dopamine to be released? Can I just tell myself that something is good when it’s bad? Well actually YES!”

It’s called Self-Hypnosis

 Wait, did he just say we can reprogram the feeling of frustration and release Dopamine, for motivation, just by telling ourselves that it’s ok to make mistakes and mistakes lead to learning? Of course you can! It’s called Self-Hypnosis!

If you are interested in learning how to learn more effectively and easily, by employing the power of your subconscious mind and releasing the motivation molecule Dopamine in the process, please sign up for a free consultation by clicking here. Just like my client above, we will pull the weeds of your limiting belief, and plant the seeds with positive affirmations so that you can become the master of your mind!

Carrie LaMastusComment