The Hidden Message in Gratitude

I’m sure there are going to be at least 300,000 blogs on gratitude this week, so why not write another one! Of course my blog isn’t going to be the typical call to make a gratitude list before bed or the “10 Ways to Practice Gratitude” or even”How To Hold Your Shit Together at the Thanksgiving Table this Year”.  What my guides have been downloading this week is the importance of the energy, or relationship, between two individuals or in a particular situation. The energy between is that underline current that creates our relationship to each other. These relationships can work out in one of two ways, either encouraging connectivity or fostering separation. 

Let’s take, for example, the relationship I had with the customer service representative at Chase Bank over the weekend. I was calling with a simple question, but still a question nonetheless, and once I sat on hold and was transferred 2 or 3 times, finally I was greeted by a young woman who chose to speak over me and then when I tried to get the question out, told me she was trying to explain….if I would just listen. Well, my ego is still very much intact so I explained to her that I wasn't finished speaking and made her repeat herself. This relationship obviously fostered the energy of separation, not unity. 

Deep Dive into Gratitude

Now, I invite you to take a deep dive into gratitude, not just repeating a list of whom you are grateful for or giving thanks for people in your life. I invite you to take a moment to feel gratitude as the energy you are sending. What are you really saying? What is the hidden message of gratitude? Take a moment to think about the recipients' of your gratitude, they are all external. I am giving thanks to you as you are separate from me. Thus, even in the thanks we give to one another is the hidden message of separateness. Now, I hear what you're saying, my body has a boundary and out there is another body with its boundary and therefore we are separate.  However, remember this is a deep dive, so hold on tight. The state of mind we typically reside in is the consciousness of separateness. It’s even in our language pattern, I am, you are, I give thanks to you, and so on. But what if there was a deeper level of consciousness? A state of mind that we could choose to reside in that encouraged more unity, more connectedness. Hmmm…

Enter the Superconscious Mind

Last week I wrote about the Tao, doing not doing, the female receiving in balance with the masculine achieving, or the superconscious mind.  We can also think about this as oneness or unity consciousness, the opposite of separation. In other words, the feeling of oneness or unity is the state of the higher mind. Of course we all know this intuitively, We Are All One. Therefore, separation, of which our society is based, is simply fear based subconscious programming that we have accepted as truth. It’s simply a limiting belief! 

Wait, Our Society is based on lies?

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving! 

As you begin to clear your limiting beliefs, and dissolve blocks in your energy field, you become aware of different levels of consciousness, your higher mind, and that there are no boundaries in the higher mind. The ultimate truth is unity and therefore anything that calls for separation is a lie. A prolific lie but a lie nonetheless. But be warned, once you go down this rabbit hole, things change. If separateness is not true then how do I differentiate myself from others? How do I stack up against others?  Where do I fit in the societal hierarchy? Think about the implications unity consciousness could have on our society. 

Back to Gratitude

Take a moment to quiet your mind, drop into the relaxed state known as hypnosis. Feel gratitude, feel the energy of sending gratitude to someone. Does it feel like, “I appreciate something you’ve done for me” or “you have been nice enough to give of yourself in some way”?  This, no matter how nice, is a judgment. 

judgment \JUJ-munt\ noun. 1 a : the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing. b : an opinion or estimate so formed. 2 a : the capacity for judging : discernment. b : the exercise of this capacity.

I’ve judged you on your offering and you’ve judged me on lack of said offering. As humans, anything we view as separate from us, we typically judge or label, and let's be honest it’s usually not gracious, subconsciously putting them in categories of good or bad, worthy of friendship or not. The problem with this is, once we judge someone we further the division of separation.

On the other hand, when we drop into the superconscious mind of unity and send the same, gratitude melts back into its original form - love. When we look at “other” as one part of the all. Not separate, not less than, not more than, just a part of, then love becomes effortless. 

I am Grateful for You

I am grateful for you and the awareness of unity consciousness, because without you there is no unity to be conscious of.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Carrie LaMastusComment