Posts tagged manifesting
Laziness and Lack of Motivation- Where does it Come From and How to Reprogram It?

Laziness, or lack of motivation, can be a common hurdle for many individuals, preventing them from reaching their full potential and achieving their goals. While it's natural to experience moments of low motivation, chronic laziness can become a significant barrier to personal and professional growth. However, there is hope. According to neuroscience, hypnosis, and hypnotherapy (think: The Regressive Release Method) offer intriguing techniques to combat laziness and activate hidden reservoirs of productivity, also known as DOPAMINE! In this blog, we explore….

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Responsibility and Forgiveness the Key to Spiritual Growth

What if we were able to go through any, and I mean any,  situation without it affecting our personal belief system, without creating a story around it. What if any and all situations were meaningless, neutral events that we were able to observe, learn from and/ or simply find interesting. I hear you saying, yea that sounds boring! Well then this blog isn't for you. I’m talking to the ones who are ready to get out of the drama / trauma cycle and find peace in their life. Ones who are ready to take responsibility for their responses in any and all situations. If this sounds like heaven to you, read on!

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Manifesting, Letting Go, and Being in the Flow

You see, if you want to manifest love or anything else in your life you have to let go of the story of lack around that which you desire. Now, I hear you saying, but it’s true that I have a lack of (fill in the blank), here is the evidence that the physical world is showing me! To that I say, you attract what you focus on. When you learn to reprogram the mind to focus on love or abundance, or your desired outcome, your focus changes to show proof that your desires do exist in your life. This is similar to thinking about that car you want and then all of the sudden all you see is that car everywhere, it seems everyone has that car that you desire. Actually, that’s just showing you what you are subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) working on.

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