Responsibility and Forgiveness the Key to Spiritual Growth

As I journey along this spiral path of spiritual awakening, one lesson that comes up over and over again is the lesson of taking full responsibility for my perception of reality. If you’re like me, this is a hard one, living in this world of cause and effect, living in the world of blame and judgment, living in the world of separation and defensiveness. We have been taught, or programmed, to blame others or even circumstances for our current situation.

We blame the bread for not rising…

We blame the economy for our drop in business…

We blame the weather for … 

We blame our parents for ….

What if we were able to go through any, and I mean any,  situation without it affecting our personal belief system, without creating a story around it. What if any and all situations were meaningless, neutral events that we were able to observe, learn from and/ or simply find interesting. I hear you saying, yea that sounds boring! Well then this blog isn't for you. I’m talking to the ones who are ready to get out of the drama / trauma cycle and find peace in their life. Ones who are ready to take responsibility for their responses in any and all situations. If this sounds like heaven to you, read on!

Perspective and Perception

If our goal is to be enlightened - and by this I mean, to live without fear and all its tentacles judgment, doubt, self limiting beliefs, etc. It helps to look at the bigger picture. A soul perspective rather than that of this individual meat suit bumping along in this finite lifetime. When we have this broader perspective of the soul's journey, our “lives” become novels where every chapter is in itself a life. The story becomes fuller, a rich drama of betrayal, forgiveness, lessons, growth and assisting our fellow man to continue their souls journey. When we take this perspective the game changes, it’s no longer a game of who dies with the most or the biggest, or even who did what to whom the victim perpetrator rolls take on a new meaning as well. Rather than a one time event, where there was one perpetrator and a victim, with the idea of past lives comes the possibility of this event being connected to an event from the past, maybe the actions of the perpetrator in this life was a lesson from a past life, or maybe the victim in this life needed to learn a soul lesson so the perpetrator signed up to play that role, to benefit the victim soul journey. When you really look at the soul's journey, even death begins to have a new meaning. In Michael Newton's book, The Journey of Souls he recounts a vast world of souls resting and learning from their time on earth, and planning the next incarnations. He call this Life Between Lives. The idea is that the soul never dies. Who would we be if grieving didn't have to be so hard. Once we have tried on the mind expanding concept of the soul's journey and we really feel the perspective of the game that we’re playing begin to change, forgiveness and release, also known as healing, becomes an enjoyable, yet sometimes CHALLENGING hobby.

The Importance of Forgiveness

{Impromptu Meditation}

Take a couple deep breaths, drop into hypnosis.

Imagine we are all brought up to believe that our souls are on a journey. Imagine that if someone harms us in any way, we are able to find the beneficial lesson because we understand life in a broader context. Competition dissolves into helping one another expand into their souls mission. Imagine forgiveness and release are as automatic as breathing. We feel light, expansive, free and invincible!  I invite you to sit with those feelings as much and for as long as possible in your life. 

Now, back to the ranch…. 

Since we’re not there YET as a society, I encourage you to take a deep dive into your subconscious mind, learn your stories, what are you telling yourself? Forgive everyone, and everything as a part of your process. When we forgive another, we are releasing, letting go of the energetic ties to that situation or person. We no longer carry the story of the situation, no longer holding the other person in a negative vibration, we can let go of that negative vibration within our field. Releasing this energy from our field allows us to become lighter and more free, we are literally taking back our light!

Taking Ownership and Responsibility for the Outcome

 As we learn to forgive and look at life from the broader perspective, we begin to understand that even “undesirable” outcomes are for your best interest. You can choose to suffer, and blame others, or you can choose to look at any situation as soul-growth, part of your path. This is taking responsibility for the things that we do not desire in our lives. As we begin to detach from the outcomes in our lives, seeing events as neutral neither good nor bad, neither desirable nor undesirable, we understand that the only power a situation has on us is what we say about ourselves as a result of that event. This is a level of mastery, transforming the roller coaster of life into a smooth ride through the countryside. 

What does Forgiveness have to do with hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Learning to forgive ourselves and others takes practice. It takes deep soul work, in other words, the reprogramming of old limiting beliefs, and the awareness of who you really are, an infinite soul rather than a finite meat bag. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy offer just that awareness. My process, called the Regressive Release Method,  a two-part process where we plant positive seeds and pull the negative weeds from your subconscious mind. During our hypnosis session, I will regress you to the root cause of your limiting self belief, we'll do the forgiveness work necessary to transform that memory, then we'll move into the body releasing the energy signature, pulling the weeds of the subconscious mind. Then, the hypnotherapy sessions are about reprogramming your limiting belief, or planting positive seeds.  Once you've removed that energy signature, you now have the opportunity to believe something new, more powerful and true about yourself! I teach you self-hypnosis so you can continue to reprogram your mind at home, planting the seeds in your subconscious mind while you rest and relax in the comfort of your home while becoming the more powerful version of yourself.

To learn more about the Regressive Release Method, please schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking the link below.