Mastering Responsibilities


Responsibility has a bad rap, to some it means burden like a big heavyweight upon your shoulders, dragging you down. Taking care of others before taking care of yourself. I am responsible to my employer, I am responsible to my household, my bills, my taxes, I am responsible for my kids, my aging parents, the list can feel endless. There's nothing fun or light about responsibility. Until you turn it upside down,

Your Ability to Respond

When you turn responsibility upside down and tap into your ability to respond, you are not only provided with choice but an opportunity to take back your power, or take back your light as it were. When we reframe responsibility to the ability to respond, we get to choose our response to the feeling of that responsibility. Let's take a moment on this, because it can be subtle. I invite you to become aware of the story in your head as you do your least favorite chore. For me that is taking out the compost. In my mind I used to hear, why didn’t my son do this? Why don’t I have a man to do this? (Harkening back to the days of man’s work vs. woman’s work, cause that’s better than taking out the compost.) I hate touching this trash can, I hate opening the lid and being wafted in the face with a stinky wall of nasty stench. OH, COME ON NOW MIND! It’s not that bad! I could make a 90 second chore into a goopy ball of shame and personal toucher. Now, do I enjoy taking the compost out? No, but I do it knowing that I enjoy a clean compost bin and especially the fact that I won’t get house flies if I take it out on time. Becoming aware and reframing the story you tell yourself can significantly decrease the feeling of heaviness upon your shoulders.  I enjoy taking care of my kids and parents because when I do, I feel good. I enjoy paying taxes because… well, I’m still working on this one but you get the point.

 Sticks and stones may break my bones but words CAN NEVER HURT ME…

Another way to honor our ability to respond to any situation is to notice how the words and actions of others are “making us feel”. The idea is, words and actions of others actually have no power over our feelings unless we let them… UNLESS WE LET THEM. Again, when you choose to let the energy of the words or a situation become a personal truth or trigger an old limiting belief, you are choosing to live in your own personal cycle of stagnation. Alternatively, and this is my favorite game to play with myself, I look at the triggers as opportunities to use my self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy techniques to CLEAR IT OUT and then reframe or reprogram the story I tell myself with something more productive. Because a clean compost bin is not the only clean vessel I enjoy :).

Honoring Thyself First

Once we have managed the stories and cleared out the old limiting beliefs, filling our proverbial love bucket becomes much easier than before, because doing so is loving thyself first. However, knowing how to temper our output by saying, not right now, on the days when you just can’t give anymore, is honoring thyself. When we honor ourselves first not only are we taking the time to make sure we have what it takes to give in that moment but we are also training our dependents to respect and honor us and what we provide, because it is not always there. It is not on demand. It is out of love and mutual respect. 

Yea But…

I can hear you saying, yea that sounds nice but I have XYZ from the moment I get up till the moment I go to bed! 

Part of becoming a master of our ability to respond is choosing to keep certain responsibilities in our life or not. Where are you over extended because you are attending to old relationships stuck in old patterns? As we grow and develop, our relationships either grow and develop with us or they don't. This does not mean that you have to lose all your friends, but it could mean redefining the terms of the relationship. Taking a break or stepping back from the involvement in the drama, and being ok with it! If you’re feeling stuck chances are the other person is as well and the space will open new possibilities for both of you. Your peace of mind is of utmost importance so taking an honest inventory of where you spend your energy is your responsibility and a reflection of your ability to respond.

How Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Can Help?

Can Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy help me feel less overwhelmed by my responsibilities?
Absolutely Yes! 

Our hypnosis sessions are designed to quickly get to the root cause of your subconscious limiting beliefs. In this case it would be that belief causing you to overextend yourself. Once in hypnosis, we would look at that critical event, do the healing work around that event,  and then most importantly, identify and remove the energy signature that has been stuck in the body since that time. This is of particular importance because it is that energy signature that is causing the triggers, the constant reminders of what that event felt like so many years ago.  Once we have removed the energy signature we can then reprogram a more positive and productive message into your subconscious mind therefore making your chosen ability to respond, not only easier, but second nature.

To find out more about hypnosis or hypnotherapy, please schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking here

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