Reflecting and Manifesting

Looking backward to reflect on the year, did you accomplish, did you grow, did you experience, did you change or did the year just slip away like sand through your fingers as you try to grasp the days and hours. How do some manage to accomplish so much in a day, while others seem to just spin in the cloud of perpetual motion while not getting anywhere? More importantly, how do we get out of the cycle of repetition? Beyond vacations, beyond date nights, or even moving to a new city? How do we actually make change in our lives?

Consciousness Shift

One way is a shift in consciousness. I have believed in reincarnation, manifestation, a universal energy some refer to as Source for many years but it wasn’t until my shift in 2019 that I really understood those teachings on a deeper level. As a result, I now look at my life as a journey of lifetimes, a soul's journey rather than a race to see who accumulates the most stuff, the most experiences, the most accolades, or the biggest and “best” house, car, donkey, what-ever. I look at my life and body as a means of learning to FINALLY transcend this plane of existence. 


Playing a Different Game

Let me tell you, when you begin to look at the long game, your soul's journey rather than this short term work to live – live to work survival trap, the game changes. You no longer feel the need to compete with those who are striving to be bigger or better, or to have bigger and better because well, who cares! The game becomes less competition and more ascension. When you step out of the competition and striving to achieve, you may realize that you don't have to work as much because you don’t need as much- what?? You may even realize that what you’ve been doing for work no longer fulfills you or you may answer a new calling. You may be drawn to read different books, find new friends, and discover that your internal healing journey is not only more rewarding for your soul but beneficial to those around you.

The Healing Journey

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve noticed that the health and wellness industry has grown exponentially over the last 30 years. I am old enough to remember not only bookstores, but the teeny-tiny spirituality section at Barnes and Noble in the 90’s. At this point, it is undeniable that people are waking up in droves but what does that have to do with healing? I hear you say, I feel fine! I go to the doctor, I’ve got my shots and boosters like a good American should, what do I need to heal? This is the question. This is the question that will lead you to the answers. Now ask these questions of yourself from the perspective of your soul's journey, that broader reality of lifetimes with the goal of graduating from this plain of existence. What do I need to heal? Do I represent who I choose to be in the world? Am I fulfilling my life purpose? How do I show up for myself and others?

Forgive the Past and Release 

With all the new books in the health and wellness sections comes all the new forms of healing. There are MANY MANY ways of getting to this truth.  We are all here to find what works for us. For me personally, hypnosis and hypnotherapy came to me in a few different ways at the same time. During what I refer to as my awakening / melt-down of 2019, it seemed, for me that all roads led to mastering your subconscious mind and learning to communicate with that higher intelligence within, or super conscious mind. That coupled with the experience I had with Archangel Michael (to read more about that click here) led me to complete submersion in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, not only as a way to heal myself but also to show my clients what we as humans are capable of. And let me tell you, it is completely opposite to that which the “real” world is telling you. 

Becoming a Clear Channel 

So what does all this healing lead to? I mean besides a happier and healthier you and therefore happier and healthier people around you; it’s been my experience that energy healing can be analogous to clearing out dirty pipes. As you heal past traumas, shift old limiting beliefs, remove energy blocks you are essentially clearing out your dirty pipe. As you clear out your energy field, your natural energy flows like water through a clean pipe. Of course the benefits are innumerable, ranging from happier and healthier to more awareness and ability of your natural psychic gifts (aka your dominant clair), more confidence and mastery of your own whole-self.

Channeling your Inner Guidance

Another way of saying, developing your psychic abilities is channeling your inner guidance. As you develop your psychic abilities, clairaudient clairvoyance, clairsentient etc. part of the practice is to ask questions and receive answers. If you journal or meditate, you could be doing this already and not even realize that you're tapping into your higher mind or channeling your inner guidance. This is the same practice scientists and inventors such as Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Max Planck, and Steve Jobs called thought experiment. The idea is that “mind” is an energy field we are moving through or swimming in. When we are quiet, sitting in meditation or otherwise being alone with ourselves without distraction we have the ability, with practice, to tap into a field of inspired ideas, personal answers and at very least positive self affirmations. This may sound like a bunch of spiritual hogwash, I can hear you saying, all the men above we’re just creative geniuses, unlike little old me. Or were they just practiced in the ability to tap into a field that is rarely discussed because we haven't figured out how to measure it yet. Those of us who know, from personal experience, have felt the download, insights, or inspirations which often lead to inspired music, books, sermons, art or other forms of creativity or problem solving.  So, I encourage you to see the men above as not different from you, they simply had the focus of mind to tap into their own or a chosen individual's mind field.



If there was a poster child for the spiritual community it would be manifesting. There’s been movies, countless books, seminars and workshops on how to manifest, How to manifest a billion dollars in 3 months, how to manifest the career, house, spouse and child you want over night. Do they work? No, why? Because you’re doing it wrong. The secret to the secret is that we do this all the time anyway, we are just too busy manifesting (focusing on) what we don't want instead of actually what we want. Also, we are still in our meat suits living in the physical plane of reality so work is required. Is this beginning to sound familiar? Have an inspired idea, put in the physical work required and reap the benefits. That’s right, it’s what you’ve been doing your entire life. What will actually speed up the process is clearing out all your limiting beliefs that stand in your way. Enter Self Hypnosis and the Regressive Release Method.

Goals for 2023:

For my clients who have gone through the Regressive Release Method, this process will be familiar. For those who haven’t yet, I’ve created a process to create your Personal Reality Script. It is a fun, creative time where we tap into the creative power of your subconscious mind while creating your ideal 2023! Similar to the thought experiments of Tesla and Einstein, we will fully develop your ideal future with all the rich detail and emotion that will put your subconscious mind to work in your favor! We will also identify limiting beliefs so you can get busy clearing out those personal blocks to your chosen future. I am excited about this process, if you are interested in learning more click here.

Creating your chosen reality is your birthright, understanding that you are the only one standing in your way is Mastery.



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