Exploring the Science Behind Insomnia Relief: Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and the Regressive Release Method

Insomnia, a formidable adversary to many, need not be an insurmountable challenge. Hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and the Regressive Release Method offer science-based approaches to insomnia relief. Rooted in neuroscience and backed by case studies, these techniques provide pathways to relaxation, emotional release, and improved sleep quality. Whether you choose to work with a certified practitioner or embark on self-guided exploration, the potential benefits for your sleep and overall well-being are vast. By unlocking the power of your mind, you can reclaim restful nights and wake up refreshed, ready to face each day with renewed vitality.

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The Lifestyle of Hypnosis and Alleviating Anxiety

Anxiety is a complex condition that can have a profound impact on one's life. By combining the Lifestyle of Hypnosis approach, emphasizing mindfulness, balance, and acceptance, with the Regressive Release Method, offering a holistic method to address the emotional and energetic aspects of anxiety, individuals can work towards reducing anxiety and achieving a greater sense of peace and well-being in their lives.

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Demystifying Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy: Exploring Techniques and Benefits

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are powerful tools that go beyond the misconceptions often associated with them. Techniques like the Regressive Release Method, Empowerment Coaching, and Personal Reality Scripts offer pathways to personal growth, emotional healing, and self-discovery. By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind, individuals can rewrite their narratives, overcome limitations, and achieve lasting positive change in their lives.

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Embracing Abundance: How Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Illuminate Your Path

The journey to embrace abundance is one of introspection, release, and transformation. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy offer us a path to navigate the complexities of our beliefs, cultivating a mindset that resonates with the abundance that surrounds us. By transcending limiting beliefs, connecting with Universal Consciousness, and harmonizing our subconscious with our desires, we step into a reality where abundance is not only attainable but is our natural state of being. With the wisdom of the Regressive Release Method and the nurturing practice of hypnosis, we illuminate our path towards a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

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Laziness and Lack of Motivation- Where does it Come From and How to Reprogram It?

Laziness, or lack of motivation, can be a common hurdle for many individuals, preventing them from reaching their full potential and achieving their goals. While it's natural to experience moments of low motivation, chronic laziness can become a significant barrier to personal and professional growth. However, there is hope. According to neuroscience, hypnosis, and hypnotherapy (think: The Regressive Release Method) offer intriguing techniques to combat laziness and activate hidden reservoirs of productivity, also known as DOPAMINE! In this blog, we explore….

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The Science behind Self-Hypnosis: Unveiling the Power of the Mind

Have you ever wondered how our minds possess the ability to tap into extraordinary states of consciousness to bring about significant changes in our lives or heal our bodies? Well, self-hypnosis is a fascinating practice that allows individuals to harness the power of their own subconscious minds, opening doors to self-improvement, stress reduction, and personal transformation. In this blog post, we will explore the science behind self-hypnosis, shedding light on the remarkable potential of our minds. As Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist, once said, "Positive thinking is not about being delusional. It's about learning how to take control of internal processing and knowing it'll shape your external environment." Let's delve into the science of self-hypnosis and understand how it works.

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Conquering ADHD Burnout with Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Conquering burnout can be a challenging task for anyone, but it can be especially demanding for individuals with ADHD. ADHD can contribute to difficulties with focus, organization, and time management, which can exacerbate burnout symptoms. However, hypnotherapy can be a useful tool in conquering burnout by addressing the underlying contributing factors or getting to the root cause, and promoting relaxation, self-care, and resilience. Here are some ways in which hypnotherapy can help:

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Carrie LaMastusComment
WARNING! Following your Highest Excitement might lead to…

The lingo amongst the spiritual community is to live your passion, find your joy, follow your highest excitement! Yea, great idea, but what the hell does that even mean??  What if my passion doesn't pay the bills? What if my highest excitement is living in another country, but that isn’t feasible at this time? What if my joy is to quit my job and never get out of bed!?

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Creating Healthy Habits with Hypnosis and Neuroscience

In Andrew Huberman's podcast, The Sciences of Making and Breaking Habits, he talks about a number of ways that our biology, neuroscience, and even the time of the day can assist in developing and or breaking habits. In this article, I will summarize his techniques and explain how you can employ the use of your subconscious mind and self-hypnosis practice in order to further assist the development of a habit. 

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Responsibility and Forgiveness the Key to Spiritual Growth

What if we were able to go through any, and I mean any,  situation without it affecting our personal belief system, without creating a story around it. What if any and all situations were meaningless, neutral events that we were able to observe, learn from and/ or simply find interesting. I hear you saying, yea that sounds boring! Well then this blog isn't for you. I’m talking to the ones who are ready to get out of the drama / trauma cycle and find peace in their life. Ones who are ready to take responsibility for their responses in any and all situations. If this sounds like heaven to you, read on!

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Using Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to Erase Fears, according to Neuroscience

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been used for centuries to help individuals overcome fears and anxieties. While many people are still skeptical of the effectiveness of hypnosis, there is a growing body of research that supports its efficacy in treating a range of mental health concerns, including fears.

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Learn How to Release Dopamine with Hypnosis, according to Neuroscience

I often describe this process as pulling the weeds and planting the seeds. We pull the weeds of your limiting belief from your subconscious mind in the hypnosis session, and plant the seeds of new and powerful affirmations that we create together during our hypnotherapy session. In my practice I offer these techniques so that you can use them in your daily life, because if you’re not programming your mind, someone else is.  

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Truth Despite the Examples in Our Realities

Of course the next step is to focus on how to get it if that's your true desire. Although this sounds like a bunch of woowoo fairy-dust, it's just how we naturally operate in the world. You have a thought, as you latch onto that thought more and more, it becomes a slight obsession, you begin to notice movement towards your goal, whether that is seeing your car everywhere or circumstances aligning to assist in what you are focusing on.

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Manifesting, Letting Go, and Being in the Flow

You see, if you want to manifest love or anything else in your life you have to let go of the story of lack around that which you desire. Now, I hear you saying, but it’s true that I have a lack of (fill in the blank), here is the evidence that the physical world is showing me! To that I say, you attract what you focus on. When you learn to reprogram the mind to focus on love or abundance, or your desired outcome, your focus changes to show proof that your desires do exist in your life. This is similar to thinking about that car you want and then all of the sudden all you see is that car everywhere, it seems everyone has that car that you desire. Actually, that’s just showing you what you are subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) working on.

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Reflecting and Manifesting

For my clients who have gone through the Regressive Release Method, this process will be familiar. For those who haven’t yet, I’ve created a process to create your Personal Reality Script. It is a fun, creative time where we tap into the creative power of your subconscious mind while creating your ideal 2023!

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Mrs. Judgy-Pants!

When I reflect on what it is that I am protesting, it is my judgment that that person doesn't care about anyone but themselves, in other words, they see separateness. Or, I feel scared when I can not control the behavior of other drivers, or I do not trust.  Ok, now the work begins… Where in my life do I see separateness? And where does that feeling of lack of control live in my body, and/or where in my life do I have resistance to trust ….[ENTER A DEEP DIVE INTO SELF HYPNOSIS]

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Abundance and Unity Consciousness

You may have heard me talk about themes or messages from the universe. Well, this week's message has been the idea of becoming rather than calling in the outcome of your desire. It's a subtle shift but I'm finding that it's relevant and profound on many levels. Becoming is an inside job, calling in assumes a degree of separation. Which brings me to another theme over the last month or two; the idea of separation versus union or unity consciousness. So how does this convoluted concept relate to the idea of, say, abundance?

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The Hidden Message in Gratitude

Now, I invite you to take a deep dive into gratitude, not just repeating a list of whom you are grateful for or giving thanks for people in your life. I invite you to take a moment to feel gratitude as the energy you are sending. What are you really saying? What is the hidden message of gratitude?

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Carrie LaMastusComment
A New Way To Manifest

Many of us are familiar with the concept of manifesting. “The Secret” told us to visualize until we achieved what we wanted in our reality. That didn’t work for many. Then we hear we had to feel it, ok, I can get behind that. After all, the language of the subconscious mind is images and emotions, so if you are feeling it and visualizing it then YES! But, as I meditated on this concept, I realized that this is still a very action-oriented process, even though most of the action is happening in your mind. The amount of force required to manifest in that way is rather exhausting.

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