The Lifestyle of Hypnosis and Alleviating Anxiety

Anxiety is a pervasive and complex mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it's a normal human emotion, excessive and chronic anxiety can disrupt daily life and lead to a variety of physical and emotional health issues.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a blog describing my natural tendency toward anxiety, especially around money, how my dad is the poster child for anxiety: # LEARNED BEHAVIOR, and how hypnosis and hypnotherapy has helped! In this blog, we’ll explore the lifestyle of hypnosis, how it’s helped me manage my anxiety and save money in the process.

The Roots of Anxiety

Anxiety is often a product of the mind's response to stress, uncertainty, and fear. It can manifest in various forms, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. Several factors contribute to the development of anxiety, such as genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life experiences.

Lifestyle of Hypnosis and Creating Sanctuary

As a clinical hypnotherapist and self hypnosis practitioner, one thing I always talk about with my clients is the lifestyle of hypnosis, which I call, creating sanctuary. By this I mean, becoming the manager of your subconscious mind, paying attention to what we allow into our minds, our realities or consciousness, and beginning to look at our homes as our sanctuaries.

Here are some key principles to the lifestyle of Hypnosis and how to alleviate anxiety:

  • Embracing the Present Moment: Anxiety often arises from dwelling on what might happen or regretting what has already occurred. With practices such as: cultivating mindfulness through meditation to calm your mind, self-hypnosis to program your mind with something more powerful and true about you, and becoming aware of what pulls us out of the present and actively choosing to let go of worries about the past and future; you will begin to feel less pressure and experience less anxiety in your life. 

  • Balance and Harmony: Our society tells us to work work work so we can shop shop shop. When we overextend ourselves, overcommit, or neglect self-care, anxiety can take hold. Alternatively, when we are living the hypnotic lifestyle and creating sanctuary within and without, we begin to seek balance and harmony in our lives. Practicing moderation and finding a rhythm that suits one's natural flow can reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Simplicity is the Ultimate in Sophistication - LEONARDO DA VINCI: As a hypnotherapist, I help my clients simplify their reality by assisting them in releasing emotional blocks from their energy fields, clearing out old limiting beliefs, past traumas, and learned behaviors that no longer serve. As a practitioner of this hypnotic lifestyle, I strive for simplicity in consciousness and in the physical plain. Living in moderation, practicing a simple and more minimalist approach to life, letting go of excess material possessions, and finding the courage to break the subconscious patterns that no longer serve will reduce anxiety in your life.

  • Going with the Flow: The Taoist philosophy of "wu wei" or "effortless action" suggests that one should go with the flow of life rather than resist it. Anxiety often arises when we try to control every aspect of our lives. Learning to let go and accept what is and help us adapt to life's natural flow and alleviate anxiety.

  • And my favorite…

    Healing Past Traumas: By releasing and reprogramming past trauma, and connecting more to our higher minds and less with the constant desire for validation and recognition of our ego minds, we begin to find relief from the burden of anxiety, allowing us to flow with the natural rhythm of life, accepting circumstances as they come and letting go of the need to constantly prove ourselves. As we shed the layers of ego-driven concerns, anxiety dissipates, and a sense of peace and contentment emerges from the profound realization that we are but a part of the greater whole, interconnected with the universe.

I hear you say, yea that’s great but how do I start? 

Enter the Regressive Release Method:

The Regressive Release Method (RRM) is a therapeutic approach that combines elements of psychology and energy healing to address anxiety and emotional trauma. Here's how RRM can be applied to manage anxiety:

  • Identifying Root Causes: RRM delves into the root causes of anxiety by exploring past traumas, repressed emotions, and unresolved issues. Understanding the origins of anxiety is crucial for healing.

  • Releasing Repressed Emotions: Through guided sessions with a trained RRM practitioner, individuals can safely release repressed emotions of traumatic memories and energetic blocks or energy signatures that have been holding you back. This process allows for emotional healing and This can help alleviate physical symptoms of anxiety, such as muscle tension and fatigue.

  • Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs: Once the energy signature has been removed from the body, I work with my clients to develop affirmations that are more powerful and true about them before programming them into their subconscious mind.

  • Empowering Self-Healing: With 3, 6, and 9 session packages, RRM empowers individuals to take an active role in their healing process. We provide tools, techniques, and the time to guide our clients while they manage their anxiety on a subconscious level and in their physical reality with self-hypnosis training and free morning meditation classes and more. 

In Conclusion:
Anxiety is a complex condition that can have a profound impact on one's life. By combining the Lifestyle of Hypnosis approach, emphasizing mindfulness, balance, and acceptance, with the Regressive Release Method, offering a holistic method to address the emotional and energetic aspects of anxiety, individuals can work towards reducing anxiety and achieving a greater sense of peace and well-being in their lives. 

To learn more about The Regressive Release Method or find out how Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy can help you, schedule a complimentary consultation.