TAKE BACK YOUR LIGHT- Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

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Using Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy to Erase Fears, according to Neuroscience

For those of you who have been keeping up with this blog, you know that I write a lot about spirituality and how we can heal with hypnosis and hypnotherapy to expand our spiritual awakening. Recently I've also been listening to and writing about the neuroscience behind these healing processes and how it, specifically the work of Andrew Huberman, relates to hypnosis and hypnotherapy. Last week I wrote about using hypnosis to release dopamine. This week I'm listening to a podcast of his called Erasing Fears and Traumas Based on the Modern Neuroscience of Fear.  In this podcast Huberman explains the science behind autonomic arousal, the fear reflex, the importance of narrative, and what he considers to be the milestones necessary in any therapy or method in order to erase fear. 

If you know me personally, you know that fear and anxiety have been a part of my life. I have been on the quest to conquer fear in my personal life but also to understand it on a deeper level because of how it affects my family. As I learn to release fear and control my personal narrative, I can be an example of some level of personal mastery and responsibility for my son. I know that fear and anxiety come in many forms. I encourage you to listen to the podcast, it is very detailed but he does a good job making the information accessible and useful to those whose second language is not that of Neuroscience.

How, according to neuroscience, can we erase or release fear? 

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been used for centuries to help individuals overcome fears and anxieties. While many people are still skeptical of the effectiveness of hypnosis, there is a growing body of research that supports its efficacy in treating a range of mental health concerns, including fears. Without getting too much into the science, again, I encourage you to listen to the podcast for all the hows and whys the systems in our brains do what they do. Let's just jump into the good stuff. How, according to neuroscience, can we erase or release fear? Before we go there, let’s define what we mean by fear. When I mention fear in this post, I’ll be referring to that fear that is both a single event, like a traumatic plane flight, and an expanded over time trauma, like a bad relationship. Both types have the potential to leave lasting impressions in our minds and bodies. Ok, now the goods! How does fear get released?

According to Huberman there are 3 elements to release fear:

  1. Diminishing the charge to the critical event

  2. Relearning of a new narrative 

  3. Attaching reward to the old event, dopamine release.

As he explains, there are many methods to diminish the charge, or fear response, related to a critical event. One of the most popular of course is talk therapy, as we talk about the event in detail, over and over again, it eventually loses its charge. However, this can also happen in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, as the client recounts the memory, they feel the charge but after examining, and importantly releasing the trigger from the body, the charge is extinguished, usually within one session. Hypnosis has been found to increase activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which is involved in regulating emotions and processing fear. This increase in activity may help individuals to better regulate their emotions and decrease the intensity of their fears. Another approach to using hypnotherapy for fears is through cognitive restructuring. This involves helping the individual to identify and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to their fear. The therapist may also use hypnotic suggestions to help the individual reframe their thoughts in a more positive and empowering way.

The second element to release or erase fear is relearning a new narrative, or REPROGRAMMING OR SELF HYPNOSIS! He actually stated that the power of a positive narrative is often overlooked, some people wonder how words can be so powerful. Well, as a Clinical Hypnotherapist I say to my clients, your internal dialog is the most powerful programming mechanism you have! No one else has 24/7 access to your subconscious mind! That is why in our first hypnotherapy session, I teach you SELF HYPNOSIS, I teach you how to reprogram your mind with positive life-affirming messages. Further neuroscience research has shown that when a person is in hypnosis, there is a decrease in activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), which is the part of the brain responsible for self-awareness and critical thinking. This decrease in activity allows the individual to become more suggestible and open to new ideas and suggestions. Allowing the relearning of a new narrative. 

The third element, attaching reward to the old event, dopamine release. The easy answer to this is when the client who was previously afraid of flying gets on that plane. Big dopamine Release! But how do we create that experience if it's not feasible? Based on my last blog, we found out that we can actually release dopamine (the reward) with the power of your subconscious mind, so, for example, if you are unable to get on a plane, you can use the creative power of your mind to recreate the experience of flying, sitting with a spider, or any other fear that you desire to reprogram. This is the same technique professional sports players use to “practice” their sport or pianist’s use to “practice” piano. When you visualize something over and over, your body gets used to doing that thing, and when you are used to something, you are no longer afraid of it. This is referred to as desensitization. During desensitization, we use visualization and relaxation techniques to help the client feel more calm and in control during the exposure and eventually visualizing the goal achieved! Boarding that plane, even if only in the mind.

Overall, the neuroscience of hypnosis and hypnotherapy provides insights into how these techniques can be used to treat fears and anxieties. By decreasing activity in the DLPFC and increasing activity in the ACC, hypnosis may help individuals diminish the charge to the critical event,  become more suggestible and open to a new narrative, while also regulating their emotions, decreasing the intensity of their fears and expanding into the feeling of reward, visualizing the goal achieved . Hypnotherapy can be used in a range of ways, including desensitization and cognitive restructuring, and reprogramming new patterns to help individuals overcome their fears and live more fulfilling lives.

If you are struggling with a fear that is holding you back from experiencing life, I encourage you to seek professional help. If you think hypnosis and hypnotherapy is right for you, please sign up for a free consultation by clicking the link below.

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