TAKE BACK YOUR LIGHT- Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

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Manifesting, Letting Go, and Being in the Flow

Many of us have been working on our Vision Boards for 2023. For those who don't know, a vision board is a fun way to clarify what you want to bring into your life during the coming year. Although I haven’t done many boards, I am no stranger to manifesting. You set an intention, focus on it, meditate, pray, work towards, and obsess over until it arrives in your life. Right? WRONG, as Ron Popeil the infomercial star of the 90’s (and my Vision Board 2023 partner) says, “you set it and forget it!”

Another way to say set it and forget it is to say simply, let it go! Or let go of the outcome.  As a former designer, I was not very good at letting anything go. Matter of fact, I was trained to be a control freak and I have to say, I'm quite good at it! So when it comes to manifesting my desired outcome, I've been doing it wrong! That's not to say  it hasn’t worked, but I was infusing WAY MORE of the masculine energy of force than I needed to, and therefore it was not only exhausting but took a very long time. You see, what I have learned through my current phase of awakening is that manifesting is the practice of allowing, and the practice of allowing is the practice of LETTING GO OF THE OUT COME! Or as guru Ron Popeil put it, Set it and Forget it! 

You see, if you want to manifest love or anything else in your life you have to let go of the story of lack around that which you desire. Now, I hear you saying, but it’s true that I have a lack of (fill in the blank), here is the evidence that the physical world is showing me! To that I say, you attract what you focus on. When you learn to reprogram the mind to focus on love or abundance, or your desired outcome, your focus changes to show proof that your desires do exist in your life. This is similar to thinking about that car you want and then all of the sudden all you see is that car everywhere, it seems everyone has that car that you desire. Actually, that’s just showing you what you are subconsciously (and sometimes consciously) working on. Once you are focusing on your desired outcome and really feel it, as if it was true now, it's simply a matter of allowing more of that energy to flow into your life. Yes, this is easier said than done, especially because most of us are just learning about the power of the subconscious mind and it’s stored limiting beliefs, and how to let go of the focus on and the evidence of lack in your life.

Blocks to Manifesting with Ease

You are the only one getting in your way, you and your subconscious limiting beliefs. There are many beliefs that sabotage us from living our best lives, beliefs that love hurts, money is the root of all evil, I don’t deserve or I am not worthy of etc. etc. etc….. The tricky part of the subconscious limiting beliefs are that they are, by definition, subconscious, that's why you are not conscious of them. To recap, a subconscious limiting belief was typically planted during your informative years by an authority figure sharing THEIR LIMITING BELIEFS with you. Or, it was planted by you in order to protect yourself from a traumatic situation. Enter HYPNOSIS AND HYPNOTHERAPY and the Regressive Release Method! The good news is the Regressive Release Method is designed to get to the root of your limiting beliefs quickly!  If you like to learn more, please sign up for a complimentary consultation by clicking here

Letting Go of Physical Evidence

Another big challenge to manifesting with ease is letting go of physical evidence. In our society we are taught to respond to the evidence that the world is showing us. This is all well and good if you want to drive yourself crazy trying to create love or abundance, while constantly proving to yourself that you don't have it. I admit, this concept of completely ignoring the evidence is not easy for me, #controlfreak, but when the goal is to actually make change in your life and what you’ve been doing for the last 30 years is not working, then it might be time to try something new. 

Letting go of the physical evidence is the practice of allowing. Releasing the need to control or force the circumstances of the outside world and stepping into the energy of allowing what is. Now, I hear you say, I don’t desire what is, why would I allow it? Good question! 

Because allowing is giving less energy to that which you don’t desire so you can focus on that which you do. Allowing is the feminine while force and control is the masculine. Of course this doesn't  have anything to do with gender, we are referring to the energy frequency. Both genders contain both frequencies. SO allowing can help in releasing the energy of that which you don’t desire and can help open up to that which you do. In other words, stepping into the flow of the universe or the Tao. Ok! I’m in! Acceptance sounds a hell-of -a lot easier than force, Sign me up! It’s true, acceptance is super easy as long as you can know the evidence of the world to be an illusion, know that you are worthy and deserve the love and abundance of all that is, and you have no blocks to the flow. They say spiritual enlightenment is just a decision away. For those who need a little more guidance along the way, there is Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy and the Regressive Release Method. 

To learn more about the power of your subconscious mind or how to identify and release the root cause of your limiting beliefs quickly, please sign up for a complimentary consultation by clicking here