TAKE BACK YOUR LIGHT- Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

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Embracing Abundance: How Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy Illuminate Your Path

As I continue to unravel my personal limiting beliefs, one that comes up over and over again for me is abundance. Yes, I have a very complicated relationship with the material world. As a kid, my mom seemed to master abundance, she knew how to rock the 80’s fashions, have parties with the big-wig, she was a female real estate developer/ broker when there were very few, and she may have invented staging…. Notice I didn't say loving mother. My Dad on the other hand is the post-child of a lack mentality. Nothing was/is ever right, “it’s too complicated” is his montra, and he has mastered not doing, in the avoidance sense, not in the Buddha master sense. If anything needs to be fixed, forget it. It’ll never happen. Needless to say, my parents divorced when I was 5, mom doing her life-in-the-fast-lane thing, leaving me with dad. Who in my 5 year old brain needed my help anyway. So what does this have to do with my abundance issues?

After examining my subconscious beliefs about money, the following limiting beliefs came up: 

Money can't buy love or more specifically, mom can’t buy my love.

You have to work hard for your money

People with money are faking it, they are really unhappy underneath the material mask.

Just to name a few…

So now what?

Enter the Regressive Release Method:

Before delving into the role of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, it's essential to grasp the essence of abundance. Abundance is not solely about material wealth; it encompasses an all-encompassing state of fulfillment, joy, and a sense of having more than enough. It's a mindset that embraces gratitude, positivity, and the belief that opportunities are boundless. Living abundantly involves appreciating what you have while remaining open to receiving and creating more in various aspects of life. 

As I ponder that definition, yea, I can go there, I am grateful and positive so what gives?

Talking to the Universe:

In my practice, there is an overlap between hypnosis, manifestation, and living in the flow with Universal Consciousness. I know to be true that each and every one of us can and have the right to be (or have) anything we desire, when we are open and willing to receive it. So, why do we have trouble manifesting our deepest desires? The short answer is LIMITING BELIEFS or even deep limiting vibrations. 

My complicated abundance issues are the perfect example, on one level I am GRATEFUL! I love my apartment, my house, ect… But there is also a part of me that is a true minimalist. Deeply convinced that I don't need or want money because (see the above paragraph). So what do I do?

OK, Now, Enter the Regressive Release Method:

At the core of all hypnosis and hypnotherapy lies the power of the subconscious mind. Our conscious mind accounts for only a fraction of our thoughts and actions; the subconscious mind drives much of our behavior, beliefs, and perceptions. Hypnosis taps into the subconscious realm, bypassing the critical conscious mind and allowing for direct communication with the part of our mind that governs our automatic responses and underlying beliefs.

Cultivating Abundance through Hypnosis:

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, during which the subconscious mind becomes highly receptive to positive suggestions and new perspectives. Through guided hypnosis sessions, individuals can reshape their beliefs and thought patterns, replacing scarcity-based thinking with thoughts of abundance.

During a hypnosis session, a certified hypnotherapist may use affirmations and visualizations to:

  • Reprogram Limiting Beliefs: Often, our subconscious holds onto beliefs that hinder our progress. Hypnotherapy can help identify and reprogram these limiting beliefs, such as "I am not worthy of success" or "There's never enough for me."

  • Enhance Self-Confidence: Hypnosis can boost self-esteem and self-confidence, which are essential attributes for embracing abundance. By envisioning yourself as a capable and deserving individual, you can manifest positive changes in your life.

  • Attract Prosperity: Through guided imagery, hypnotherapy can help you vividly visualize your desired outcomes. This technique activates the Law of Attraction, aligning your subconscious with your goals and attracting the resources needed to achieve them.

  • Cultivate Gratitude: Abundance flourishes in an atmosphere of gratitude. Hypnosis can help you develop a genuine sense of appreciation for the present moment and the blessings in your life.

But the Regressive Release Method Goes Deeper:

With the Regressive Release Method (RRM), which I am able to perform on myself, and show my clients how to do the same, I am able to find that energy signature that has been trapped in my or my clients energy field and release that trigger from the body. Releasing the deep-seated fears or emotional blockages have been preventing us from experiencing abundance. This energy signature is the cause of that deep limiting vibration. 

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is a Lifestyle:

As I say to my clients, we need to be mindful of what we allow into our subconscious minds, just like we have become aware of what we allow into the body. The philosophy is that reality is not the cause but the effect of the mind.  When we manage our mind first, particularly the subconscious mind, our reality changes. Plant positive seeds and pull the negative weeds of the subconscious mind, and your fruitful garden will flourish!  Of course the opposite is true as well.

Living In Abundance:

That is why I've put together “Living In Abundance” , a 9 session package designed to get to the root cause of your limiting beliefs about abundance , releasing toxic energy signatures that keep your vibration around money low, and teach you the tools to manage your subconscious mind now and in the future. This a hybrid 9-session package designed to give you the best of both worlds, 3 individual sessions, where we do a deep dive into your subconscious mind, and 6  group sessions, where I teach you the tools and techniques to do this practice on your own, and  you can learn from the experience of others. Imagine having your subconscious in line with your deepest desires, nothing holding you back, complete alignment. 

Click to learn more about “Living in Abundance:  9 sessions to Mastering your Subconscious Mind” 

In summary, the journey to embrace abundance is one of introspection, release, and transformation. Hypnosis and hypnotherapy offer us a path to navigate the complexities of our beliefs, cultivating a mindset that resonates with the abundance that surrounds us. By transcending limiting beliefs, connecting with Universal Consciousness, and harmonizing our subconscious with our desires, we step into a reality where abundance is not only attainable but is our natural state of being. With the wisdom of the Regressive Release Method and the nurturing practice of hypnosis, we illuminate our path towards a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Your dreams are waiting - It’s time to TAKE BACK YOUR LIGHT!

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